
πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ German Exams

πŸ€” Exam preparation for test DaF?

Interested in studying in Germany, but have not enough knowledge of the German language? Well, you are on the right place.

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πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ German Certificates - Test DaF


πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ Test DaF course Objectives

Are you interested in studying in Germany, but have not enough knowledge of the German language? To do so, you will need excellent German skills. The exam prep German Course will help you to achieve your goals.

Before you start your career at a German University, you will have to pass either the DSH or TestDaF Language test. This will give you a successful start to your studies! Our intensive courses are also suitable for fast learners who want to work and live in Germany.

TestDaF is an exam to prove your level of German language proficiency. The certificate, which is obtained after passing the exam, is required when applying to higher education institutions in Germany and Austria.

The exam tests candidates' skills in four different components: listening and reading comprehension of texts with scientific or socio-political information, writing an analytical, well-argued and well-structured text, and speaking to express opinions on a variety of topics.

In the online preparation course "TestDaF Trainingβ€œ, you will prepare and practice the TestDaF exam format and become familiar with the exam format and all the components it tests. The course content is based on previous tests and will assist you in developing the best strategy. You will practice the exam requirements using actual sample exams for:

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Listening Comprehension
  • Text Production
  • Oral Expression
  • You will do a mock exam, which is corrected and discussed with you.
  • Furthermore, we intensively train your verbal expression with seven different tasks. These include hypotheses, assumptions and forecasts, providing advice or obtaining information over the phone. Our collection of verbal expressions supports you in this matter.

    Further special attention is given to the description of graphics. To do so, we utilize a specially designed and optimized program to get the most out of your linguistic skills. We can also flexibly react to requests by individual participants as part of the preparation course for the TestDaF.

    The grammar spectrum especially covers nominalization, subject-verb combinations, genitive prepositions and sentence conjunctions or prepositional groups, subjunctive I, passive forms and adjectives of participles. In addition, we will continuously expand your vocabulary by practicing with texts.

    Classes are conducted by our experienced teacher Irena Popova in groups of a maximum of 8 students, which allows for an individual approach. After each section there is a sample test. The exams are held at the Goethe Institute

Participation Requirements

Proof of German skills at level B2 (in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) The best way to prepare for the TestDaF is to attend our intensive Course

Course Content and Goals

In this course, strategies will be developed and made transparent. In this way, students can successfully and confidently complete the TestDaF examination (Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache - Test of German as a Foreign Language).

The specific requirements of the four Subtests (Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Written Examination, and Oral Expression) will be systematically prepared and practiced through model exams. The focus of this preparation course lies in imparting the foundation of academic vocabulary and preparing for the level of the TestDaF examination, as well as university studie.

Studying in Germany

In order to study at a German university, foreign applicants must be able to verify adequate knowledge of the German language. The required certification can vary depending on the university and major. The applicants should make themselves aware of which requirements are needed for their university of choice. In contrast to DSH (Deutsche SprachprΓΌfung fΓΌr den Hochschulzugang auslΓ€ndischer Studienbewerber - German Language University Entrance Exam for Foreign Students). Furthermore, TestDaF has a differentiated grading system of four components (Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Written Examination and Oral Expression) dealing with three language levels TDN3, TDN4 and TDN5. This conforms to the Common European Framework of Reference for the B2.1 and C1.2 levels. The TestDaF certification is recognized by all German universities. The language level requirements differ from university to university and must be asked about beforehand.

At Delphin Center, students reach the level required of the TestDaF within 200 hours of the C1 course. Following the C1 course, students will cover the exam requirements in a special two week course, helping them to feel comfortable with the TestDaF exam and have a positive result

Students receive:

  • Specially developed strategies for the specific features of the exam
  • Comprehensive preparation for all TestDaF components
  • Free entrance text for TestDaF certificate preparation admission

The scheduled hours

The scheduled hours depend on the starting level of German language proficiency – 60 and 180 hours, respectively. Registration for the course takes place after an entrance test to prove the level of German language proficiency. We also offer individual training.

Schedule for upcoming courses at Delphin Educational Center

The scheduled hours depend on the starting level of German language proficiency – 60 and 180 hours, respectively. Registration for the course takes place after an entrance test to prove the level of German language proficiency. We also offer individual training.

Instruction materials and concept for the preparation course TestDaF

We will discuss all five sample exams available including the listening skills in detail and note the answer formulations for task 3.

Intensity of your preparation course TestDaF

I will prepare you for the TestDaF 6 hours per week across three months. This preparation course takes place Monday to Thursday for 3 hours per day (i.e. 4 instruction units per day). At the end of this course, you will thus have completed a total of 64 instruction units.

Send an Inquiry

Irena Popova

πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ German - DaF Teacher

πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ Enroll the course

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Test DaF

Your success depends on your prior preparation and practice. The combination of the two will help you get the desired score on the TestDaF.

Once you have passed all four exam parts of the TestDaF with the proficiency level 4, your β€œreport card” counts as a language certificate needed for admission to nearly all subjects and degrees at German colleges and universities.

What is the TestDaF?

TestDaF stands for the Test – Deutsch als Fremdsprache (German as a foreign language). The TestDaF is a standardized exam that is conducted externally by the TestDaF Institute. This takes place at hundreds of TestDaF centers around the world on the same day. The standard and quality of the exam are reviewed periodically.

Recognition of certificate TestDaF

The TestDaF is a nationally recognized language certification for the admission to higher education as well as an internationally recognized language certification for the sciences and academic professions. It covers all proficiency levels of the Common European Framework of Reference of Languages (CEFR) from B2 to C1+.

The TestDaF authorizes you to enroll in studies in Berlin and all of Germany, Austria, as a foreign student applicant. It is comparable to the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) and the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language).

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