
Learning with Delphin

Frequently Asked Questions

We know that before applying you have lots of questions circuling in your head. Here we have some FAQ from our clients, In case you cannot find an answer for your questions do not hesitate to drop us a line. We will provide you with the correct information and answers. Thank you for stopping by at our school.

Translations Services

Is the Direct Method suitable for absolute beginners?

Yes, this method is extremely suitable for absolute beginners or people who have studied the language, but they lack any speaking skills. The system begins with elementary words and phrases that become more complicated up the levels. It is easy to study using the Direct Method, because the student does not write homework and the words are not written either, and they are translated and written in vocabularies, which are given to the students at the beginning of the course.

In addition to teaching grammar and vocabulary, our teachers also focus on useful conversational topics that are applicable to students’ interests, careers and everyday lives. This allows learners of all levels to quickly apply what they learn inside the classroom to real-life scenarios. We make sure that every sentence, activity and topic builds towards fluency.

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How do I define which level is best for me?

To determine your level, a free entry test is taken, both on-site at the center and online.

What is your form of learning? Offline or Online?

We offer both forms of learning, but during the pandemic situation we offer only online learning.

What textbooks & course materials do we use?

The textbooks we use are specially developed according to the Direct method, and they include code for the online platform for additional language practice. The textbooks are paper and electronic. You can use the electronic ones through the application in your mobile phone and be with you anywhere with picture and sound.

What languages we offer at Delfin Language & Educational Centre?

The Delfin Center teaches English as main subject for all ages, also we offer courses in the following languages: German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian and other languages.

There are mixed reviews of online learning as a type of learning. Would you determine which learning is more effective in-person or online?

In our rapidly evolving technological society, online learning is becoming more competitive and effective. Much depends on the speed of the Internet you use, as well as the required browser and Internet platform. It is recommended that you use Google Chrome as your browser. Headsets are desirable, but not required. At Delfin Centre we use the Zoom platform for our online classroom. The sound and picture quality is extremely good.

Can my child and I study individually in Delphin Centre?

Yes, we offer private lessons.

How is the leveling test performed?

For the test you need to state your desire to study with us by phone and at a certain time you can take the test with one of our teachers. Not only your ability to write and read is tested, but most of all your ability to speak and express yourself. The test lasts about 1 hour – 60 minutes.

What languages we offer at Delphin Language & Educational Centre?

The Delphin Center teaches English as main subject for all ages, also we offer courses in the following languages: German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian and other languages.

Do you issue a certificate and with this certificate can I apply to a university or a job?

The certificate that you will receive from us with a 50% passed test for the respective level can be used for work in Bulgaria and abroad, but not for applying to a university. For university you will need either the Cambridge, IELTS and other exams internationally acknowledged.

What are the teachers in Delphin ?

The teachers at Delphin Center have University Degrees and international certificates and diplomas of language proficiency.

What is the duration of 1 school hour?

For adults 1 lesson is from 40 or 60 minutes, and for children from 30 to 60 minutes depending on age.

Do you offer a learning discount and under what conditions?

When paying for 2 courses you get a 15% discount on the price per course.

How long after completing one course can I start the next?

You can start immediately in the next course, which usually starts after 1 week.

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More Questions & Answers

Will I cover all important language skills?

Yes. We have varying types of lessons that each focus on a different language competency: Speaking, Conversational Skills, Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading and Writing. With these skills, you will be able to speak with confidence in any situation, understand native-speakers from across the globe and feel comfortable building simple to complex sentence structures.

Up to what level can I learn?

We currently offer English and German from A1 – C1. And Business English, French and Spanish from A1 – B2.

Concretely, what happens in an online class?

After scheduling an online class, you will be able to join the class with 2-4 fellow students from around the world. The teacher will introduce themselves and begin teaching the lesson using learning materials that you can download at the end of class. During the class, we encourage you to interact not only with the materials and the teacher but also with the students. Towards the end of class, the teacher will recap the lesson and ensure everybody has understood the lesson.

🤔 Online class experience

Will the teachers correct my mistakes?

Everyone makes mistakes, that’s how we learn. Our classes are intentionally small (3-5 students) so that you can not only practice speaking and receive personalized feedback, but learn from mistakes that other students are making as well. Your teacher will make sure that everyone has time to practice reading out loud, answering questions and conversing with one another. And if you want more personal feedback (e.g. to improve your personal cover letter or learn the most difficult grammar topics), you can always sign up for an additional private class by purchasing extra credits in your account. Our teacher's goal is to increase intrinsic motivation and by doing so the verbal communications as well.

How do I reschedule a class

Rescheduling is not possible, but you can cancel a class without losing the credit seven days in advance of the lesson. Alternatively, you can immediately cancel the class within 30 minutes of booking even if it is less than seven days until the class starts. You will immediately get your credit back, so you can then book a class for a more convenient time.

How can I make the most out of my class?

Check your internet connection, mic and audio settings 15 minutes before the class starts. Download the learning materials before the class and go through them. Have a glass of water or juice ready as you’ll talk a lot during class! A quiet room or workspace will help you to concentrate.

If my class starts slightly later or finishes earlier, will I be disqualified ?

No. Rarely a teacher or a student may be a few minutes late or may have to leave a few minutes early. As long as you do not miss more than 10 minutes of a class, you will not be disqualified.

Is it suitable for my language level and learning goal?

Delphin Center offers learning plans that cater to all types of language learners, from beginner to advanced. Our modules are structured according to CEFR, which stands for Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. It is an internationally recognised framework that describes language ability from A1-C2 (A1 beginner and moving up to C2 fluent). Once you are a registered Lingoda student, you can define your current CEFR level by taking our free placement test before you begin learning.

Will I have enough time for learning?

Our group classes are available online 24/7 and are taught by teachers who are located across all time zones, so you can create a schedule that works for you. Take classes from anywhere, any time

Why should I learn with Delphin and not other school?

The key difference between Delphin and other schools is that Delphin fits your busy schedule: you can take a class anytime and from anywhere. But otherwise, you can think of as a traditional and online school. All our teachers are highly qualified, certified and follow a learning plan that has been designed by language experts.

What is the teachers goal?

Our teacher's goal is to increase intrinsic motivation and by doing so the verbal communication in the classroom is increasing. The more that communication amongst the students is encouraged the more enjoyable the students will find the experience and the more motivated they will become as they begin realizing their language study goals.

🚀 Learning Progress

How long will it take to improve my language skills?

It depends. As is the case when learning any new skill, your progress depends on your efforts. If you would like to learn quickly, then we suggest that you make language learning a consistent habit. Also focus and participate in class and complete the downloadable materials at the end of each class for best results. It also depends on which Delphin plan you choose, as some of our plans are more intensive than others.

I used to learn with a private tutor. Will I really progress with a group?

Definitely! There are several benefits to learning in a group setting. Firstly, you can practice speaking with your teacher and other classmates. Secondly, you will not only learn from correcting your own mistakes, but from recognizing and the mistakes of other students as well. But we offer private classes too, should you want some extra one-on-one time for practicing with a native-speaking teacher and receiving more personalized feedback.

Will I receive something to show my learning progress?

Yes! You receive a certificate for each CEFR level that you complete with Delphin. Our certificates are issued in accordance with CEFR and are accepted by many institutions worldwide. Through our collaboration with Cambridge Assessment English, we also offer our English learners the opportunity to complete the Cambridge original test. The test is administered online so you can take it anywhere, at any time.

English C2 Proficiency Modules

Тези курсове са предназначени за всички, които желаят да повишат знанията си по езика и да подобрят уменията си за четене, писане и говорене. Нашите курсове C2.1 и C2.2 ви предлагат възможност да подобрите тези езикови умения. Курсовете интегрират иновативни и съвременни техники на преподаване с ценната помощ на нашите експертни преподаватели, които са разработили уроците като кратки и интензивни за електронно обучение и присъствени сесии.

В програмата на нашите курсове по английски език ниво C2 е заложен материал, който ще усъвършенства владеенето ви на езика. След завършване на курса вие ще сте способни да използвате речник, богат на идиоми и фразеологични глаголи. Ще можете да общувате свободно във всякакви ситуации без затруднения. Ще се изразявате на изключително високо граматично, лексикално и стилистично издържано ниво. Четенето, писането, разбирането и предаването на съдържание на сложен и дълъг текст няма да е проблем за вас. Същото се отнася и за случаите, в които ще слушате или наблюдавате на живо лекции, дискусии или художествени творби. Ще можете да пишете обосновано, аргументирано и детайлно всякакъв тип текстове. И още

Завършването на курсовете по английски език ниво C2 ви гарантира изключително доброто ниво на владеене на езика. Това е особено важно, ако искате да учите или работите в англоезична страна. Познанията ви след курса ще ви гарантират свободно общуване на английски език навсякъде по света!

За добрите ви резултати ще отговарят нашите висококвалифицирани преподаватели. Те редовно ще ви предизвикват с интересни задачи по време на провеждането на курсове по английски език ниво C2. Ще следят за успеха и напредъка ви и ще ви насърчават да преследвате високите си цели.

  • Завършилият успешно курса ще може да разбира широк кръг от теми. Той ще може да чете и разбира дълги текстове, както и да долавя напълно смисъла им.
  • Завършилият курсове по английски език ниво C2 ще може да изразява гладко идеи. Може да води спонтанен разговор, без да се замисля за използваните думи и изрази.
  • Курсистът ще може да използва гъвкаво и успешно езика за социални, академични и професионални цели.
  • Всеки, завършил обучението по английски език за ниво C2 ще може да създава ясен, добре структуриран и подробен текст на сложни теми. Той ще може да използва познанията си и да контролира средствата за организация и свързаност на речта.
  • Обучаваният ще може да използва езика свободно, да участва в дискусии по сложни въпроси
  • Завършилият ще може да гледа и разбира телевизионни предавания и филми без усилия.
  • Ще можете да разбирате дълги и сложни нехудожествени и художествени текстове и техните стилистичните особености. Ще разбирате и специализирани статии и дълги технически инструкции дори такива, които не са свързани с вашата сфера на дейност
  • Завършилият курсове по английски език ниво C2 ще може да се изразява без затруднение при създаването на социални или професионални контакти. Ще може точно да изразява идеи и мнение и да свързва аргументите си с тези на събеседниците си.
  • Обучаваният ще има възможност да се изразява писмено и устно, като съобразява стила и ситуацията на общуване.

Who are the Advanced and Proficiency courses for:

Курсовете ни по английски език за напреднали са подходящи за всички, които владеят английски език на средно ниво и искат да подобрят писмените и устните си езикови умения. Курсът е подходящо въведение в английския език за студенти или за тези, които желаят да изучават езика с цел професионално или лично развитие. Той може да бъде възприет и като стъпка към овладяване на английски език чрез по-нататъшно обучение.

Before starting an advanced course, every new student takes an entrance test, which is free of charge. If you cannot find the answer here do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to assist and help you.

Tuition is prepaid and can be paid for in the following ways:. The entire value at once on the day of enrollment with a 5% discount; 5% of the value on the day of registration, and the remaining 5% by last day of the month, On the spot or by bank transfer. Textbooks are paid for on the day of enrollment.

There are regular checks during the summer school. We send parents achievement cards, which reflect test results, as well as an analysis of basic language skills. We want all parents to be on time and fully informed about how their children's language training is progressing.how their children's language training is progressing, there are also special awards.

If you cannot find the answer here do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to assist and help you.