
⛰️Challenges 🏕️

Our Challenger summer camp program is conducted entirely in English. Adolescents are constantly developing, so each day of camp is dedicated to a positive character trait that is worth emphasizing. In our free time, we can indulge in sports and swimming in the hotel pool.

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🏕️ Language Challenges

󠁧󠁢🇬🇧 English Program

English is the key language at Delphin Cjallenger Camp. Through daily activities, children build on their knowledge and gain even more confidence. Each day 2 lessons are spent reinforcing the language.

The language program includes 25 hours of weekly interactive learning and interest clubs with teachers and animators. Learning is organized around a different weekly theme - media, space, journalism, professions of the future, etc. Children with higher level proficiency work on debating skills, creative writing and complex language structures.

Each day of the holiday is filled with a varied and useful programme. Besides the hikes in the forest, the scouting programme and the games, the children will learn interesting facts about nature, about tolerance and friendship and about themselves.

What makes the camp unforgettable are the varied programs where children learn, play sports and make new friends. The English programs provide an environment for participants to communicate fluently in English for a minimum of 5 hours each day. Along with this, children develop social skills such as leadership, teamwork, values such as tolerance, caring for nature and responsibility are built during the activities.

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⛰️ Short Daily Trips

One-day hike Adventures dedicates one day to hiking in the mountains. We immerse ourselves in nature and it reveals itself to us in all its glory, and the children apply what they have learned from the scouts on the spot.

There are also many enjoyable sports activities and competitions included, as well as short adventure trips to interesting spots in the mountain.

⛰️ Go Green & Save Natur Hours

It is very important for children to develop a responsible attitude towards their environment and the people around them. The younger ones learn in English about plants, animals and how to protect nature, while the older ones build empathy and tolerance through different games and discussions.

Outdoor Challenges

The spirit of adventure is guaranteed with our Outdoor Adventures program. Children will learn how to make a shelter, organize a bivouac, get water and food in nature.

Scouts Program

The scouts program gives children knowledge about nature and teaches them survival techniques. Through a variety of fun and useful activities, kids learn about getting around in the mountains, first aid, map and compass navigation, and different climates.

Last but not least, children have the opportunity to develop their interests in Summer Camp art clubs in creative writing, applied arts, music and dance, acting, fine art and photography.

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⛰️More Challenges

Personal development, character & Scout training

In parallel with the English language classes, we learn with professional scouts about movement and orientation in the mountains. One of the days is specially set aside for a mountain hike, in which the skills already developed from the camp are applied.

⛰️ Patience

This is a key to anything we want to achieve, and self-control helps us keep any important situation in our hands.


This is that virtue based on our desire to be equal and united. Through various activities, children learn about stereotypes and how to shake them off.

Mutual aid and care are those collective goods that make us do good, support each other and rejoice in the successes of others. We learn that we should be devoted to those around us without asking for anything in return.


Empathy - being able to look through the eyes of the other, understand his point of view and feel the situation with him in solidarity. The priceless foundation of friendship.

Respect & Trust

Respect takes a long time to build and is destroyed in an instant. Challenger Camp teaches children how to build respect in their environment - a guarantor of fruitful relationships.

Trust - to rely on the one next to you. Trust is the glue that makes a group of people - Team. And when you have a trusted team behind you - then you can conquer the world.

⛰️ Creative Club

Animation, Drama, Art & Craft Programs

🎨 Arts & Crafts Club for 8 - 9 years

Children are full of ideas and the camp gives free rein to their imagination. Activities and lessons are in English and each child expresses themselves through applied arts, music, photography,story telling, drama acting and the older ones develop creative writing, evening fire and songs.

🏕️ Creative Clubs for 10 years old kids

🏕️ Take the Stage 6 - 12

Our 5-Day course where your child will develop their character through performing arts, learning dances, songs and acting scenes all working towards a final showstopper performance.

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🏊 Sport Adventures & Swimming

Sport is health. Every day the children have the opportunity to swim in the hotel's swimming pool, they also have special time for team sports. In this way they test their speed, dexterity, agility, logical thinking and teamwork skills.

🧗 Challenger Days Ages 8 - 14

New and exciting outdoor focused camps combining our Multi-Activity programme with traditional wilderness activities.

🏕️ Camp Wilderness 8 - 14

Re-wild your child at Camp Wilderness, with an exciting back-to-nature residential holiday camp experience

🚌 Excursion

We will visit the History Museum in Teteven. Archaeology, Ethnography and Renaissance, presenting the history of the town and the region. We will also "get acquainted" with one of the hiding places of Vasil Levski and other fighters for the liberation of Bulgaria in Hadzhievanov's house.

⛰️ Summer Challenges

More information about our activities, photo memories from our trips and adventure camps you can find in our Facebook page. If you have questions, don not hesitate to aks us for more information. Drop us a message so we can connect.

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