You'll take a learning programme tailored to accompany you from the first step of your journey to understanding and speaking Italian confidently. Upon graduating from each class, get rewarded with up to 5% off every next enrollment.
This level is split into 2 advanced modules as follows:
The fact that your first experiences with the English language are now fond memories is proof of how quickly time passes and how far you’ve come on this learning path. As Shakespeare said, ‘The swiftest hours, as they flew’.
Thanks to your effort and dedication, you were able to successfully pass the basic levels and reach the summit of the intermediate ones. So, now that you’re at the upper intermediate level, you know that it’s time to keep moving forward to conquer the C1 level of English.
If your goal is to be a student that is definitely above average, don’t miss out on this opportunity to get to know the Smart Learning® method developed by Delphin teachers.
Welcome to the Advanced English Courses. These courses are intended for anyone wishing to upgrade their knowledge of the language and improve their skills in reading, writing, and speaking. Our courses C1.1 and C1.2 offer you the opportunity to upgrade those language skills. The courses integrate the innovative and up-to-date teaching techniques with the valuable help of our expert teachers, who designed the lessons as short and intense for e-learning and in-person sessions.
This course contains over 50 lessons, countless exercises, selected examples - the easiest way progress fast. Learn English for everyday situations.
Build your confidence and learn to express yourself easily through conversation, light debate and role-playing.
Now that you’re at the upper intermediate level, you feel proud of yourself and know that you can get by without much difficulty in environments where your mother tongue isn’t spoken.
You may be wondering why you need to prepare for C1 level English when you have such a good command of the English language. The answer is simple: To make your level of English as good as that of a native speaker.
В програмата на нашите курсове по английски език ниво C1 е заложен материал, който ще усъвършенства владеенето ви на езика. След завършване на курса вие ще сте способни да използвате речник, богат на идиоми и фразеологични глаголи. Ще можете да общувате свободно във всякакви ситуации без затруднения. Ще се изразявате на изключително високо граматично, лексикално и стилистично издържано ниво. Четенето, писането, разбирането и предаването на съдържание на сложен и дълъг текст няма да е проблем за вас. Същото се отнася и за случаите, в които ще слушате или наблюдавате на живо лекции, дискусии или художествени творби. Ще можете да пишете обосновано, аргументирано и детайлно всякакъв тип текстове. И още…
За добрите ви резултати ще отговарят нашите висококвалифицирани преподаватели. Те редовно ще ви предизвикват с интересни задачи по време на провеждането на курсове по английски език ниво C1. Ще следят за успеха и напредъка ви и ще ви насърчават да преследвате високите си цели.
Our Advanced English Courses are suitable for anyone with an upper-intermediate knowledge of English who would like to improve their written and spoken language skills. The course is a suitable introduction to English for students or those wishing to learn the language for career or personal development. It may also be taken as a step towards proficiency in English through further study.
5% of the value on the day of registration, and the remaining 5% by last day of the month
, On the spot or by bank transfer. Textbooks are paid for on the day of enrollment.
how their children's language training is progressing
, there are also special awards.
If you cannot find the answer here do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to assist and help you.
We don’t simply teach English from a textbook.
Through our rotation of international teachers, you’ll be exposed to a wide variety of accents, expressions and cultures. This means you’ll always learn the most up-to-date words and phrases used by English speakers worldwide.
Level C1: corresponds to basic users of the language, i.e. those able to communicate in everyday situations with commonly-used expressions and vocabulary.
Level C2: corresponds to proficiency users of the language, i.e. those able to communicate in everyday situations with commonly-used expressions and elementary vocabulary.
Communication Skills. Languages involve taking ideas in one’s head and figuring out how to break it down into bits of information that others will understand. What better way to help your find new ways to communicate your ideas and feelings
The classes gives practice, dividing up tasks, and communicating with each other to offer feedback, support, and insight.
On this course you will build your English skills. You will develop your use of English in a wider range of everyday situations and grow your listening ability. By the end of the course you will feel more confident in your ability to speak and understand basic English
Identify language used in everyday situations, such as studying, communicating with classmates, and talking about work. Apply language skills for everyday conversations. Also, you will develop confidence in key language items useful in a range of different scenarios.
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