
Summer School


Summer Language School - 🐬 The Dolphins


Children's summer language school "The Dolphins" was established in 2002 and offers language training for children from 4 to 15 years old. We know that everyone wants the best for their child and we believe that education is an essential prerequisite for the success and happiness of every person. Driven by our love for children, we are dedicated to the desire to provide the best possible language training in a calm and beautiful environment by following the highest standards of foreign language education. Our goal is for every child to learn with ease and joy. And our inspired teachers, with love and attention, predispose each of our students to reveal their unlimited potential and creative endeavours.

Delphin summer children's language school is staffed by experienced professionals who have chosen the extremely specific and responsible job of working with children. Therefore, we approach every aspect of preparation for each individual course and group with great care.

We use up-to-date and leading systems and training methods, in accordance with the standards of the European Language Framework. Our team of philologists always strives to offer a modern and flexible study program that meets the requirements and capabilities of the students.

We constantly monitor and keep up with new trends in foreign language teaching.

We stand out with a welcoming demeanor, motivation for development and success, and personal commitment to the progress of each and every student. The friendly and relaxed atmosphere that is created during work supports the learning process and skills of our students.

🤔 Our Goals

Our goal is to expand their horizons and reveal their potential. We are not a school and we do not treat your children 's activities as a job, for us it is a pleasure.

We work on your child's personal development. We strive for him to gain confidence , build useful habits and discover the field in which he wants to develop.

The different workshops has enhanced language training, emphasizing both native and foreign languages, math, critical thinking, stimulating creativity throughout different didactic games.

🤔 Our Mission & Believe

We unreservedly believe in our students and are ready to do everything we can to inspire them to achieve their biggest dreams. The more you learn, the more you see. We believe in the unique intelligence of each child and know that everyone learns differently and at an individual pace.

👍 What does the program include?

  • Preparation for the next school day (work on the learning content for the respective class) and systematic reinforcement of knowledge
  • Enhanced training in the Bulgarian language
  • Foreign language training
  • Educational activities
  • Creative activities
  • Short Daily trips in the district

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Our methodology and what young learners receive:

We use the STEAM methodology as a basic way to teach and develop critical thinking, decision-making skills, competence, teamwork and "soft skills" for children aged 2-14 years.

From an early age, we immerse children in the exciting world of science through age-appropriate hands-on lessons. We go through the learning material using innovative approaches and methodologies that have been proven around the world.

  • Our classroom offers systematic training according to the curriculum for your children, in accordance with and following the requirements of the Ministry of Education ( MES ), expanding and enriching the set topics.
  • We follow the development of our students and are happy to see how, thanks to their excellent language training, they grow up to be successful young people.

👉 Why choose us?

  • We will help your child with preparation while emphasizing techniques for rapid and independent learning.
  • It works in a small group of up to 6 people, so each child gets attention.
  • Individual approach - as we know that every child has different needs.
  • We work on your child's personal development. We strive for him to gain confidence, build useful habits and discover the field in which he wants to develop.
  • We maintain a feedback relationship with parents so that they are informed about the child's development.

👉 Program Outline

The summer school program is divided in three modules as follows:

  • Module "Learning room" - for children from 1 to 7 grades
  • Module "Preschool preparation with English" - for children from 5 to 7 years old
  • "Junior" module - fun book for children from 2 to 5 years old

Program Overview

  • We have prepared an interesting and creative program, with educational elements and opportunities for development and entertainment, which will remain an unforgettable memory for your child! In addition to academic activities tailored to the material at school, during their stay with us in the summer, your child will have the opportunity to improve their English, as well as immerse themselves in many outdoor activities with great games and entertainment.

  • The Environment

  • With us, your child will have fun and learn at the same time, immersed in a calm, pleasant and modern environment, which our two bases offer meters from the City Garden of the city of Plovdiv. We will read expressively. We will learn to write correctly and beautifully. We will play freely in the park and mountain. We will get to know the world closely because experience and practice are always the best teachers. Therefore, we will also visit many interesting places, exhibitions, museums.

  • 📝 View Program
    Registration Form Summer Schoolin Bulgarian PDF Download
    Registration Form Summer School in English PDF Download

    👉 Prices

  • ✔️ Package all inclusive per month: BGN 820.OO

  • ✔️The price in case of absence does NOT change unless we are informed 24 hours earlier. It can be divided into 2 installments – first and second half of the month, and the child can be unregistered between the halves

  • ✔️ Package all inclusive per week: BGN 220.OO

  • 👉 The price in case of absence does NOT change unless we are informed 24 hours earlier. It can be divided into 2 installments – first and second half of the month, and the child can be unregistered between the halves

  • ✔️ Package all inclusive per day: BGN 45.OO

  • ✔️ Package price all inclusive per day depends on the daily activities scheduled for the day and can vary from 30 to 60 BGN.

  • The price in case of absence does NOT change unless we are informed 24 hours earlier. It can be divided into 2 installments – first and second half of the month, and the child can be unregistered between the halves.

Friquently Asked Questions

По време на занятията са включени освен нови знания, така и четене, занимателни игри на английски/немски език, пиеси, писане на текстове, пъзели, арт-моделиране, песни и образователни филми. Съобразяваме групите с това дали децата са учили езика и колко време, нивото се определя с предварителна среща с преподавателя.

Можем да организираме индивидуални и групови занимания с преподавател в удобно за Вас време и по Ваш избор, както и часове по всички училищни предмети с преподавател с начална педагогика.

Искате детето ви да има една пълноценна, но и приятна ваканция? Да играе и да се весели на воля, но и да не губи учебен ритъм? Да затвърди и надгради знанията си по английски, при това - без учебник и тетрадка?

Лятна eзикова занималня „Summer Camp ” е вашето най-добро решение. При нас децата ще се забавляват, учат и играят, ще намерят нови приятели, ще натрупат нови знания по английски език и полезни умения чрез забавни интерактивни дейности.

  • От понеделник до петък - полудневно
  • 8.00-13.30 ч. - занимания по английски език.
  • Начало: юни 2023 г.


Цена за полудневна занималня (8.00-13.30 ч.): 270 лв. за седмица

  • Цена с -10% отстъпка - 136 лв. (при записване до 10 юни 2023г.)
  • 🌞„Забавно английско утро”

    Занимания по английски език в интерактивна среда по програмата „Ваканция Cambridge English”.
    8.00 - 8.30 - Събиране на групата, подготовка за старт на деня.
    9.00 - 10.30 - Забавен английски език. Занятията по английски език са структурирани по забавен и не натоварващ децата начин, провеждат се от квалифицирани преподаватели с използването на иновативни практики. При по- малките деца се поставят основите на английския език, а при по-големите се затвърждават и надграждат знанията, усвоени в училище по занимателен начин. Използват се интерактивни и ролеви игри.

    🖐️„Уча и играя”

    11.00 - 13.30 Занимания по общообразователни предмети, творчески проекти, игри на открито, посещения на обекти с образователна цел и др. Заедно ще четем и разказваме истории, ще научим интересни неща за света около нас. Следобедната програма включва:

  • Занимателни упражнения по български език. Четене на задължителната литература за лятото от училище.
  • Занимателни упражнения по математика
  • Творчески проекти, приложни умения, рисуване.
  • Забавна география - изучаване на континенти и държави, викторини.
  • Моите любими приказки - гледане на детски филми, четене на любими книжки.
  • Игри на открито в паркове и градини в близост до учебния център.
  • Два пъти седмично - посещения на различни обекти в града с образователна и развлекателна цел. Ето част от възможните дестинации:
  • Работилница за бисквити - в продължение на един час децата ще декорират с фондан бисквитки и много ще се забавляват.
  • Арт къща на куклите - изработване на кукла в творителницата
  • Посещение на Водопада в Беласица и много други дейности, изненади и забавни игри. 🥰

  • * 🥘 Обядът се носи от вкъщи.

    Запазете своето място сега! Капацитетът на всяка група е 12 деца. Записваме до запълване на местата. Занималнята работи при сформиране на група от минимум 7 деца в група.

    👉 Научи повече за Summer Camp

    Ivanka Sarafova

    🎒 Summer School Lead Teacher

    Enroll the summer program

    Summer School

    Your success depends on your prior preparation and practice. The combination of the two will help you get the desired score on the TestDaF.

    Once you have passed all four exam parts of the TestDaF with the proficiency level 4, your “report card” counts as a language certificate needed for admission to nearly all subjects and degrees at German colleges and universities.


    Ask your Questions

    Ivanka sarafova

    I am very satisfied with the teaching system and the attention to detail. I look forward to further improving my knowledge and level of language proficiency.

    Daniela Bakalova.

    I enjoy teaching to young learners. In delphin I teach English classes and at Summer School.

    Education and training

    In our pedagogical practice, we use various teaching methods and techniques from Montessori pedagogy, Suggestopedia, Waldorf pedagogy and others.

    "Play is the work of the child" - Maria Montessori

    Запазете своето място сега! Капацитетът на всяка група е 15 деца. Записваме до запълване на местата. Занималнята работи при сформиране на група от минимум 7 деца в група.

    За повече информация и записване: +359(0) 879 461 009

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